Pardons Canada – You Can Still Get a Pardon Even After You Have Been Deported In Canada we have many immigrants who do not yet have their Canadian citizenship.  Often they have either refugee status, work permits or permanent residence (landed immigrant) status.  Regardless, they have established work and family here in Canada. Having a criminal record can hinder your ability to gain Canadian citizenship and if you have…

Pardons Canada – Having a Criminal Record Can Be a Real Pain! Having a criminal record can have many negative affects on a person’s life.  Every day we speak to people who are having difficulty in their lives because of an old criminal record that continues to haunt them. Here is an example from a person we recently helped to get a Canada Pardon: “I worked…

Pardons Canada – A Pardon Can Help with Travel to the USA Its true, Americans don’t recognize Canada Pardons.  However, we do not believe they have access to an old criminal record once a pardon has been granted if they do not already have you flagged in their system. Here is a letter we recently received from a person we helped to get a Canada Pardon:…

Pardons Canada – There is Hope for Getting Out of the Criminal Lifestyle We lecture across the country about the importance of removing old criminal records with a Canadian Pardon so that you can move forward in your lives. Here is a recent thank you letter from a Correctional School called Brookside: “You certainly captured the students’ interest and kept reinforcing key points:  how much having a…

Pardons Canada – Getting a Pardon From Faraway Every day we receive letters from clients who are grateful for our assistance in helping them remove old criminal records with a Canadian Pardon. Many people live in remote parts of the country and don’t know where to begin.  Here is an example: “Well I had to write and tell you how thrilled I…