Record Suspension Application – What can a record suspension do for you

In life, everyone makes mistakes, experiences the consequences of those mistakes, and, hopefully, learns from them. But some errors are relatively minor, with trivial outcomes, like getting on the wrong train in an unfamiliar subway system. Other mistakes, however, can have lasting consequences that can haunt a person for years. Committing a crime is one…

Stay of Charges – Everything You need to Know

The general understanding of the legal and court system in Canada is that once a person is arrested and charged, there is eventually a trial. It is at this trial that the most familiar outcomes for the public are determined: guilty or innocent. But while a verdict of guilty with appropriate punishment, or an acquittal…

Fraud Under $5000

What is fraud under $5000? When it comes to criminal activity, one way to distinguish one type of crime from another is through “class.” This measuring system is applied to acts with a strong financial nature; they don’t necessarily involve violence or theft in the traditional sense and are often referred to as “white collar…

Denied Entry to The USA from Canada

The world continues to change and evolve and, unfortunately, sometimes those changes are not always for the better. Things in the geopolitical landscape have undergone a noticeable shift in the last few years. One of these changes has been felt on a personal level by Canadians, and it is the border between our nation and…

U.S. Waiver Application

Sometimes people gain criminal records for minor offences that were essentially silly mistakes rather than hard crimes. Unfortunately, the consequences for such actions may end up being long-term and problematic, even if the offence happened in the distant past, and the person can prove that they are a good moral citizen with no intent to…

Pardons Canada – Removing Pot Possession Criminal Record in Canada With the legalization of marijuana in Canada, many people are wondering what will happen to the hundreds of thousands of Canadians that have a criminal record for pot possession or any other marijuana and cannabis offence. Having this criminal record for pot possession creates huge obstacles in a person’s life.  Particularly when it comes…

How to Get a Pardon in Ontario

Want to know how to get a pardon in Ontario, then keep reading… We have all made mistakes. Unfortunately, when it comes to a criminal record a small mistake can still cause you a lifetime of problems even if you are well established and past the crime you committed. Canadians have criminal records for all…

Pardon Applications in Canada

Want to know about pardon applications in Canada? A criminal record isn’t something that the vast majority of Canadians set out to get for themselves, but it can happen for various reasons. Sometimes a criminal record occurs because of bad choices made while being a youth. Other times, criminal records occur because of actions taken…

Pardon Services in Canada

Looking for pardon services in Canada? For the average Canadian, living a good life is about keeping an eye out for good opportunities, making those opportunities happen, and, once they do, working hard to make most of those chances. It’s all about living in one of the most advanced countries in the world, with a…

Can I Get a Government Job With A Criminal Record?

There are plenty of careers with promise in Canada, and it’s both common and understandable for many Canadians to seek out professions that provide a mix of financial security and stability. One of the most secure careers that Canadians can get for themselves lies in the government sector. These are not easy jobs, but they…