A major part of Pardons Canada’s philosophy is a focus on the power of education and community engagement. Our community outreach education seminars inform community organizations or government offices about the processes and benefits of the record suspension process in Canada. 

Our seminars and materials are free of charge and offer valuable insights and practical advice to help organizations and their employees better support individuals navigating the complexities of the criminal justice system. To book a free seminar for your staff, please complete the form below.

Our Community Outreach Seminars

Our community outreach seminars aim to educate you and your organization on the topics of criminal record suspensions, U.S. entry waivers, and file destructions. Led by our experienced Outreach Education Coordinator, these sessions cover a range of topics to give attendees a thorough understanding of the processes and legal requirements.

  • Understanding Pardons in Canada: Learn the basics of criminal record suspensions and their impact on employment and community integration.
  • Steps to Clear a Criminal Record: Detailed guidance on the application process, documentation required, and timeline expectations.
  • Legal Guidelines and Requirements: An overview of the legal criteria and guidelines for sealing or destroying criminal records.

Book Your Free Seminar with Outreach Education Coordinator Andrew Tanenbaum

Andrew Tanenbaum is the Outreach Education Coordinator for Pardons Canada. For the past eight years, Andrew has been involved in clearing criminal records and has extensive experience as a front-line intake counsellor and telephone support worker. 

Andrew fully understands the rules and guidelines for sealing or destroying criminal records, not only from a theoretical point of view but, more importantly, from a practical ‘real-life’ view, as he has participated in and overseen more than 50,000 successful applications.

Andrew is a frequent speaker, conducting free information seminars for community organizations, employers and municipal, provincial and federal government offices.

Benefits of Community Outreach & Education

Attending our community outreach and education seminars offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Empowerment through Knowledge: Equip your staff with a thorough understanding of the pardon process and how it can benefit your organization.
  • Enhanced Understanding of the Criminal Justice System: Learn about the legal intricacies and how to support individuals effectively.
  • Practical Steps and Advice for Clearing Criminal Records: Receive actionable advice and guidance on assisting individuals with the steps required to clear their records.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with other organizations and government offices to share insights and strategies.

Government & Community Agency Testimonials

Visit the link below to read letters from government and community agencies Pardons Canada has worked with over the years.

Fill Out the Form Below to Request a Free Community Outreach Education Seminar

Ready to empower your organization or staff with important knowledge about the record suspension process in Canada? Complete the form below to book a free Pardons Canada community outreach education seminar with Andrew Tanenbaum. Together, let’s build a more informed and supportive community.