Pardons Canada – I-212 Overstaying Your Welcome in the US We receive many inquiries from people who have been denied entry to the US because they overstayed their welcome in the US. Often times, the Americans will deport the person back to their country or give them a ban from returning to the US for a period of time. If you have now become…

Pardons Canada – Withdrawn, Dismissed Criminal Charges Stick Around Many people who are charged with a criminal record and the charges are later withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, peace bond, conditional and absolute discharge, believe that their criminal charges just disappear. Unfortunately this is not true. If you’ve been fingerprinted by the police and charged with a criminal offence, then the charges can be seen…

Pardons Canada – You Cannot Volunteer or Coach with a Criminal Record There are many reasons why people choose to obtain a pardon/record suspension. Mostly it is for employment or travel but often times volunteer positions and coaching for children’s sports teams now require a clean criminal background check. If you have a criminal record and even if the charges were withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, absolute or…

Pardons Canada – Assault and Anger Management for Pardons in Canada Perhaps one of the most common criminal charges in Canada is assault. Domestic assault is most common but other assault charges include assault causing bodily harm, assault with a weapon, uttering death threats. Oftentimes, people are charged with assault and the charges are later withdrawn, dismissed, stayed in court or absolute or conditional discharge…