pardons canada testimonial

Pardons Canada Review – How to Remove a Conditional Discharge Often times when there is a criminal charge whether it is for assault, theft, harrasment, or fraud, if it was a first offence, then the judge can rule a discharge.  It can be a conditional or absolute discharge whereby the charges are essentially dismissed once the conditions are met by the offender. You may…

Pardons Canada Review – How it feels to remove an assault conviction Assault is the most common criminal offence in Canada.  An assault conviction can come in many different forms including domestic assault, assault with a weapon, assault causing bodily harm.  Many assault charges are settled prior to a conviction being handed down in the form of a peace bond, stay of proceedings (stayed), withdrawn, dismissed,…

pardons canada testimonial

Pardons Canada Review- How to Get a DUI or Impaired Driving Conviction Removed in Canada There are thousands of people each year that get a DUI or Impaired Driving conviction.  It just takes one moment in time and next thing you know you are being arrested by the police and being charged for drunk driving.  Having a criminal record can prevent you from doing all sorts of things in…