pardons canada testimonial

Pardons Canada Review – The Relief of Removing a Criminal Record Having a criminal record can be a huge emotional burden and many people carry the burden for a long time before seeking a solution.  Even if the person is gainfully employed, they feel that the criminal record is a weight on their shoulders and that everyone can see it.  Also, their freedom is hindered…

Pardons Canada – Criminal Charges Stayed and Withdrawn Can Still be Seen on RCMP file Many people who are charged with a criminal offence think that there is no trace of the record if the charge is withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, conditional or absolute discharged.  It is true that there is no conviction, but there is still a record of the criminal charge because of the fingerprints. Because the person…

Pardons Canada review

Pardons Canada Review – Remove DUI, DWI, Impaired Driving Record in Alberta Drunk Driving which is also known as DUI, DWI, Driving While Impaired, Refusal to Provide Breathalizer and Over .08 of alcohol while driving is among the most common criminal record in Canada. Once you pay the fine and stay out of trouble for the perscribed time, you are eligible for a Pardon/Record Suspension.  Once…