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Pardons Canada Review – Remove Fingerprints to be safe for Employment Nowadays, most employers are doing criminal background checks for all potential employment. Even if you have been fingerprinted by the police and the charges were later dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, peace bond, diversion or absolute or conditional discharge, your prints can still show up on a criminal check.  This can be embarassing to explain to…

[Video]Remove Criminal Record for Non-Convictions (Including Withdrawn, Peace Bond, Absolute and Conditional Discharge)

In todays video, we’ll discuss destruction of criminal history for Canadian citizens who have non-conviction records. How long you have to wait, based on your situation and why it is important to clear any non-conviction criminal history from your public records. Police services in Canada collect and retain a wide range of information about the people they come in contact with, including records of contact, allegations, withdrawn charges, acquittals, fingerprints, etc.. Even if you were charged, went to court and the charges were later dismissed, all this information may still show up on your background check or US border control check. Watch this short video to understand the difference in non-conviction records and how you can clear those from your record.

Pardons Canada – Volunteering with a Criminal Record Most volunteer positions now require a criminal background check before being accepted for the position. If you have an old criminal record or even if you have been charged with a criminal offence and the charge was later withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, peace bond or discharged, you will not be able to volunteer. Once a…

Pardons Canada – Person’s Career Doomed Because of Non-Conviction Record People are is shock when they learn that their fingerprints are still showing up on a criminal background check even though their charge was dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, peace bond, conditional or absolute discharged. Since there is still a positive hit on a criminal background check, the person can lose employment opportunities and also have…