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Dear Pardons Canada,

I am writing this letter to your company, the staff and the entire organization to express my deepest gratitude for your assistance in obtaining a pardon. I am so thankful and so grateful that I am free of the past burdens and stigmas, and now I have been given a new chance to excel and be the best version I can be in our society. I am so confident now that I can build a better life for me and my family, and further advance myself to be the best person I can be for myself and for everyone and everything. Thank you so very much. This means so much to me. I have been wanting and needing this for so long. How amazing it was on Christmas day, I opened the letter for the first time to read the good news; truly the best gift.

I give so much thanks to the Parole Board for making this wish come true. So much thanks to Pardons Canada; special thanks for the assistance from Andrew, for being there from beginning to end; special thanks to Michelle for helping me gain the confidence to write a letter by assuring me everything will be alright; and special thanks to Jessica for the assistance and ensuring the completion of the final steps be done accordingly. I thank the entire team so very much for helping me see a brighter future and helping me gain the utmost confidence that I will succeed. All the best to you all.


Thank you all so very very very much!!!

Yours truly,

Z. D.

First off, I would like to thank the PBC for granting me a Record Suspensions for driving with more than 80 mgs of alcohol. I appreciate the confidence the board has shown me by granting me the suspension. Having a criminal record weighed heavy on my personal life, as you live with the thought you let your loved ones down every day by your poor choices. Living with shame and guilt every day is very trying on the heart and soul.

Being granted my suspension will allow me to feel like a part of society again. The removal allows me to look forward to getting a passport and start enjoying life like it is supposed to be in my retirement years. Travelling with family and friends without missing out on life.

Sincerely with thanks,
