Pardons Canada Review – How to Remove an Assault Conviction Most assaults happen in an instant during a fit of anger at a very specific moment of time.  Next thing you know, the police are being called and arresting those involved in the fight. In many cases, the intention of the person calling the police is not to have them get arrested, but inevitably…

[Video]Remove Criminal Record for Non-Convictions (Including Withdrawn, Peace Bond, Absolute and Conditional Discharge)

In todays video, we’ll discuss destruction of criminal history for Canadian citizens who have non-conviction records. How long you have to wait, based on your situation and why it is important to clear any non-conviction criminal history from your public records. Police services in Canada collect and retain a wide range of information about the people they come in contact with, including records of contact, allegations, withdrawn charges, acquittals, fingerprints, etc.. Even if you were charged, went to court and the charges were later dismissed, all this information may still show up on your background check or US border control check. Watch this short video to understand the difference in non-conviction records and how you can clear those from your record.

Pardons Canada Review – Withdrawn Assault Charges Will Stay on Record Many people are shocked to find out that charges that were withdrawn can still show up on a criminal background check. It is not uncommon that domestic assault charges can get dismissed, withdrawn, peace bond, stayed, or discharged once the charges are brought to court.  In the heat of an argument the police are…